Living through a home renovation can be difficult, even if you’re working with an outstanding remodeling firm. At Custom, we recognize how disruptive this experience can be, and we do all we can to lessen the impact on clients’ lives.
In preparation for a major renovation, you can also take steps to help minimize the inconveniences. In particular, think about the day-to-day logistics of what you’ll have to do differently. Where will you eat? Where will you wash your dishes? Where will you bathe?
Try to think through all possible scenarios and plan accordingly so that you have fewer surprises. Here are some tips that may help:
Temporary set-ups: A new bathroom might take one to two months to complete; a new kitchen, two to three months; an addition, three to four months. What will you do in the interim? Temporary set-ups might be the solution.
If your oven is out of commission, we can create a new spot for your microwave, toaster, crock pot and/or hot plates. We might also be able to move your refrigerator or range to another room and set up a temporary circuit to deliver electricity.
If you’re without a shower, we can often set up a temporary tub or shower in the basement. Unfortunately, the logistics of connecting with a major waste pipe make a temporary toilet a difficult solution. (Of course, we’re happy to discuss other options with you.)
One thing to keep in mind: More-sophisticated temporary set-ups can have a major impact on project budget.
Storage options: You may not realize how much stuff you have until you sift through it all. Where can you put all these items you’ve accumulated? One answer is another room in your house that can be sealed off during construction. Another option: Rent a PODS® portable container, which allows you to safely store your items right outside your home.
Meal management: Before your project kicks off, make out a menu for the time you’ll be without a full kitchen. Shop sensibly for food that can be microwaved or cooked in a toaster oven or crock pot. Stock up on paper plates and plastic utensils. And definitely plan to eat out here and there.
Minimizing dust: If you’ve ever worked with Custom, you know how much time and effort we put into dust protection. We do our best to guard your health as well as your belongings.
However, no system is 100% dust-proof. So be sure to take precautions on your own, such as using sheets to cover computers, fine china, musical instruments, etc. Dust filter systems may be appropriate if any family members have dust or other allergies.
Scheduling: Some of our clients schedule their project during the winter because it’s a quiet time of year and they have less going on outside the home. Most of our clients, however, prefer the summer exactly because they’re outside of the home so often. During the summer, you can also use your grill and eat outside on your deck — a major bonus if your kitchen is being renovated.
Leaving the home: No matter what the time of year, think about visiting friends or family or taking a vacation. Many of our clients have chosen to stay close to home but budgeted in the cost of renting an apartment or staying in a hotel.
Getting out of the house can really be a life-saver during a major renovation, especially if you’re having an addition put on. And remember: We can adjust our timeline to focus on certain tasks (e.g. a heavy plumbing period) while you’re gone.